Wellness Discussion Group
Professionals and Academics
This internet
discussion group is mainly for academics and professionals and not open to the
public. If you would like to belong to this group, your membership needs to be
approved. This measure is important in keeping the debate of a high standard as
many of our members are prominent international experts in the field of
workplace violence and bullying and some are post-graduate students with the
result that we maintain a high standard and open attitude in our discussions.
Criteria for membership:
It is
very important that, if the potential member had been a victim of bullying, the
person must have recovered from the ordeal and his/her interest should have
shifted to academic or professional and to employee wellness in general, AND.
encourage professionals, academics, students studying the phenomenon of
workplace bullying or looking at employee wellness to belong to the group
Professional interest groups include apart from wellness professionals also
lawyers, counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, trade union officials,
management position in business and dealing people problems in the workplace.
we fully understand that members are busy from time to time, we do expect that
our members will try to make contributions now and then because all
contributions to debate, information are appreciated and welcomed.
Therefore members are
required to make at least three contributions during a 12-month period.
Please write
to the Group Owner, Dr Susan Steinman, to be come a member
[email protected]