
Related to psychosocial problems at work in global context

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By Franz Schurrman

First in Seattle and now in Washington DC, left and right have come together to trash globalism. Strange bedfellows or just bedfellows? An answer can be found by looking at the word "globalism".

Widely used -ism words give a sense of how public opinion interprets the flows of contemporary history. The wide usage of the word globalism suggests public opinion believes there is a driving force that is replacing the US with one world.

Both left and right now see globalism as their main enemy. Noam Chomsky freely uses the word as does Pat Buchanan. That means they believe there are powerful forces driving the globalisation. Both agree it is the multinational corporations and agencies like the IMF that promote multinationalisation.

Not so long ago left and right used very different -ism words to describe their ideological enemies. For the left the main enemy was capitalism and for the right it was socialism. The two were irreconcilable opposites.

The root word of capitalism, "capital," meant money to acquire means of production in order to reap a profit. The suffix -ism made it an ideology that operated through free markets.

The left called for an eventual abolition of capitalism and its  replacement by socialism. Under socialism strong government representing the working class would bring equality and equity into the country's economic life.

The right regarded socialism as an ideology that stunted economic growth. Look at the Soviet Union, they said. It has a strong socialist government but can't feed its own people. Bring freedom and free markets to Russia and soon enough prosperity would arise.

The main ideological code word for the left was class; for the right it was economic freedom. But now with globalism their common foe both code words have been left behind.

Left and right agree the multinational corporations that dominate the New World Order undermine the power both of the working class and of God-fearing patriotic citizens.

Over the last two decades both left and right have been moving in new ideological and political directions that have narrowed the gap between them.

By advocating diversity and multiculturalism, the left has taken over a key concept of the right: identity. Identity implies identity groups. And identity groups are those marked by racial, ethnic and religious differences.

The right has always believed in differences. It rejected the left's contention that regardless of identity differences, in the end we are all human beings. The only differences that remain, the left contended, are those of class.

Yet now various right-wing groups have been moving in directions once advocated by the left.

The religious right, which historically was racist and exclusionary, has lately been proselytising among people of every race, culture and language.

For example, people of colour from all over the world have been  flocking to the Mormon Church which not so long ago had racial   restrictions. And for years now, Pat Buchanan has been courting the working class. In Washington the Teamsters are among his most ardent boosters.

At the same time the left has been moving towards nationalism.  Leftists call for a strong government to not only protect the rights of workers but also protect the environment, advance human rights, and broaden entitlements.

Many leftist intellectuals have hoped that one world would break up into three - Europe, East Asia and America. So much for the great slogan of the Communist Manifesto: "Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains."

Besides agreeing on globalism, both left and right agree on two other -ism words now popularised in America: racism and terrorism.

Racism began as a left concept. In the 1960s the worst racists were Southern segregationists. The left played a leadership role in the Civil Rights movement. But now just about the entire right - except for fringe neo-Nazi groups - accepts the concept of racial equality.

Even Bob Jones University had to modify its stubborn racism. So as the left concentrates its oppositional stance on globalist, environmentalist and human rights issues, the right finishes cleaning out the last vestiges of racism in its ranks.

Terrorism, practically speaking, refers mainly to neo-Nazi and Islamic fundamentalist violence. There is little if any sympathy for either on the right and nothing but loathing for both on the left.

So globalism remains the one driving issue for both left and right. Buchanan keeps moving towards endangered American workers and the left moves away from its third world affiliations.

It is not inconceivable that left and right will, in the coming years, fuse into a single national front in opposition to the globalist establishment that runs the country.

from MISAnet/Pacific News Service

ILO Governing Body Welcomes Report of World Commission

on the Social Dimension of Globalization

Thursday 25 March 2004
For immediate release

GENEVA (ILO News) - Employer, worker and government representatives at the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) today welcomed the report of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization as a "balanced" and "coherent" analysis of the social impact of globalization.

Ministers of labour, representatives of worker and employer organizations and international agencies expressed widespread appreciation for the Commission's work, variously describing the report as -ground breaking" and -a landmark" in the debate on globalization.

          "The developing countries have long-advocated a realistic rather than an idealistic approach to globalization and we view this report as a step in that direction," said the delegate from Pakistan.

A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All was issued in February by the World Commission and reflected two years of wide-ranging debate over the social aspects of globalization. The report called for an -urgent rethink" of current policies and institutions of the governance of globalization. The World Commission */ was co-chaired by President Tarja Halonen of Finland and President Benjamin William Mkapa of Tanzania.

          President Mkapa presented the report to the ILO's Working Party on the Social Dimension of Globalization, the first time an African Head of State has addressed the ILO's Governing Body. In his comments, he said, "the potential of globalization for good or bad is immense. It is a force with many positive aspects that can be harnessed for humanity's collective well being, but some of its elements have to be tamed for the sake of our common civility and existence...

ILO Director-General Juan Somavia emphasized that the World Commission reflected  the wide diversity of opinion on globalization but their report had identified a common approach and agreement on realistic proposals for action. "We deliberately brought together a non-like-minded group of eminent people and their report shows that dialogue can be a creative force for urgently needed change" Mr. Somavia said.

During the two-day discussion, delegates and participants from international organizations highlighted many aspects of the report as providing important contributions to thinking and policy development in the ILO and elsewhere, as well as specific proposals to ensure the benefits of globalization are to be more fairly distributed. The report's recommendation that decent work be a global goal was endorsed by all speakers.

The Employer's spokesperson highlighted that the report recognizes that the benefits of globalization depend on respect for universally shared values and principles in the context of market economies and democracy. Similarly, the Workers spokesperson noted that during the debate practically all speakers had endorsed the Commission's strong emphasis on the importance of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work to the building of a fair globalization. 

Canadian Minister of Labour Ms. Claudette Bradshaw said, -We accept the simple economic principle that those who produce the products and services in the economy should also be able to consume them". Several delegates quoted a sentence in the report, which came from a consultation in the Philippines, that, -There is no point to a globalization that reduces the price of a child's shoes, but costs the father his job".

The Korean delegate said: -As a country directly hit and suffering from the financial crisis in the late 1990s, Korea concurs with the Commission on its observations on the need for social protection, creation of decent work and open social dialogue, among others".

Delegates also expressed widespread support for the report's emphasis on better, more democratic and more accountable governance at both national and global levels. Several delegates argued that action at national and international levels had to proceed in tandem. The focus on meeting people's needs and aspirations at the local level was also highlighted.

Gerd Andres, the German Minister of Labour, supported -the calls of the World Commission for decent work for all. Workers with decent work can leave poverty behind them, feed their family, provide education and training for their children, improve their position in society and become fully aware of their cultural and social rights and exercise their rights to political participation. The further we move down this path, the less fear there will be of the economic repercussions of globalization.

As the French delegate said, -Globalisation cannot be cut up into slices".  Therefore, the reports' call for greater policy coherence in the multilateral system was widely welcomed. Among its suggestions was a -Policy Coherence Initiative" among international organizations to deal with the key issues of growth, investment and employment. In this context, the representative of the World Bank said the report -will serve us all well in the international community".

The South African delegate commended the Commission for re-iterating the importance of multilateralism and said -multilateralism and the role of the United Nations, of which the ILO is an essential part, are more important for those of us who come from countries where the majority of our people face the daily challenges of poverty and deprivation". The US delegate referred to a special role for the ILO in the process of dialogue on the social dimension of globalization -to put a human face on what is often regarded as the impersonal process of globalization". 

The representative of the European Commission welcomed the report's emphasis on reform of global governance. She said -given the current imbalance in the international system, which focuses more on economic than on social issues and in which trade and economic organizations have more power, there is a need to strengthen the social dimension and to improve coordination between organizations and all stakeholders.

Several other issues raised in the report received favourable comments, including the emphasis on social dialogue and the building of consensus which had been the hallmark of the Commission's own work. The Brazilan minister of Labour, Ricardo Berzoini commented, that his government -confers considerable value on the exercise undertaken by the ILO. There is no stronger tool for promoting changes than dialogue. 

Many delegates supported the call for fair rules for trade and finance, as well as reform of the global financial architecture. Many speakers highlighted the serious negative impact of industrial countries' agricultural subsidies on developing countries and the need for greater market access.

          The need to increase development assistance also received widespread support. Many speakers underscored the significance of debt relief and increased ODA to overcome inequality both within and between countries and to eradicate poverty.

The need to address the impact of increasing migration for work on the migrants themselves and origin and host countries through multilateral dialogue and other initiatives was highlighted. Many delegates looked forward to the upcoming discussions in the International Labour Conference on migration.

Delegates said they looked forward to proposals Mr. Somavia is to present to the International Labour Conference in June on ILO follow-up action and to the further consultations with the ILO's tripartite constituents.

*/      A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All, World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, International Labour Office, Geneva 2004, ISBN 92-2-115426-2. See



Martin Buber on Communication

by Stefan Sonderling



The existentialist approach and Buber's theory offer a view of communication that is derived from their basic assumptions about communication, its human participants and the way communication should be studied. In other words, the existentialist approach to communication contains a set of beliefs or assumptions that are made about the phenomenon of communication (ontological assumptions), the human participants (anthropological assumptions) and the way the phenomenon should be studied (epistemological assumptions). 


For example, an anthropological assumption within the existentialist approach maintains that the human being does not have a fixed or predetermined nature that is ever-becoming. This means that the person has a choice in determining and actively constructing his or her own mode of existence. Such a mode of existence is actualised in and through communication with other people. From this follows an ontological assumption that communication is a dynamic human activity through which the quality of human existence is constituted and expressed. 


Communication may take different forms, each of which reveals a particular degree of self-actualisation and awareness of other people. Self-awareness is a prerequisite for genuine communication and is an indication of an authentic mode of existence, while an unauthentic mode of existence is characterised by a lack of respect for the other person. Each person is free to choose one or other mode of existence. 


Buber's theory of communication as dialogue 


The starting point for a discussion of Buber's view of the life of dialogue is found in his assumptions about people and the creative power of communication to construct the human world. 


Buber's view is that people are able to enter into relationships and to distinguish themselves from objects and other people and to explain their relationships with the world. People are not just there as objects among other objects. People exist by distancing themselves from other people and things and, as a result, they can enter into relationships with the world. Entering into relationships is dependent on the person's attitudes towards the world and these are characterised by a twofold principle of polar opposites. Inherent in people is the ability to simultaneously display two modes of existence that are expressed by communication relationships: I-you and I-it. 


The I-you relationships is expressive of authentic human existence and implies that the person, as an "I". reaches out to a "you" with his or her whole being. Unauthentic existence is expressed by the I-it relationship whereby the person uses and experiences other people as if they were objects. However, while these two basic relationships are indicative of different modes of existence, they are both, nevertheless, important and form an integral part of human existence. 


Entering into relationships and expressing an attitude towards the world also means that people enter into communication by which and through which they constitute themselves. In fact, communication is the primary fact of human existence. 


The I-you relationship is a primary attitude that one person can adopt towards another with whom he or she communicates. By the act of identifying oneself as an "I", one simultaneously addresses the other person as "you". By speaking the basic word-pair a person does not merely state something that exists outside these words, but by the act of speaking them, the person establishes a mode of existence. 


The I-you relationship is characterised by the fact that the "I" and the "you" are present to each other and that involvement with each other is reciprocal and open. For example, when a person adopts the I-you attitude, people, things and works of art can speak to him and her and become more than mere objects. On the other hand, in the I-it attitude, human beings, living things and works of art are regarded merely as objects to be used and manipulated. 


The I-it relationship is characterised by experience, manipulation and use of another person as if he or she was an object. Such a relationship is one-sided and has no reciprocal participation. 


An important difference between the I-you and the I-it relationships lies in the manner in which the "I" approaches the relationship. In the I-you relationship the "I" reaches out to a "you" from lived experience, from the inner authentic self, and the human being opens himself and herself to the other person. When the "I" reveals himself and herself in the I-it relationship, it is not an expression of the authentic self. In this attitude the person does not reveal his or her authentic self. 


The existence of the two primary word-pairs, I-you and I-it and the fact that "I" does not exist by itself but is always related to its corresponding "you" or "it", shows that all human life is to be found between the human being and the world. Life is essentially a complex of personal relationships. The I-it relationship designates a mode of existence that is based on one-sided use and experience. However, this experience is not a true relationship and the person who experiences and uses others does not participate in the world. The I-you word-pair establishes a true relationship between two human beings. The relationship is in neither the one person nor the other but exists between them. The "between" is the interhuman sphere, a space that allows a person to become what he or she really is. In this space of dialogue between people, two ways of becoming a self are evident: being and seeming. Being is a true mode of existence for people while seeming is a false and unauthentic mode of existence. Bubrt likens the encounter between the "I" and "you" to a narrow ridge. Based on a true I-you relationship as a mode of being, a we-relationship can be established between a group of people who form a true community. 


Buber also describes another, ultimate, relationship: the I-eternal-you. This is a perfect communication relationship into which a person can enter. However, the way to a perfect relationship with the I-eternal-you (God or a supreme being) depends on the person's ability to enter into authentic relationships with other people. In fact, in every authentic I-you relationship, a person can glimpse a view of the I-eternal-you. In every meeting between "I" and "you" we become aware of the ultimate reality and meaning in life. 


A characteristic of all human relationships is the fact that they are never permanent but must be actively established and renewed. This is particularly so in the I-you relationship which demands constant effort. The I-it relationship is, of course, easier to maintain because the world of things exists in space and time and seems solid, while the I-you relationship is an event and is characterised by temporality. 


While the I-you and I-it relationships sem to be radically opposed to each other, they are nevertheless interlinked. It is a characteristic of human existence that both are equally important and necessary for human life. As Buber (Perspectives 1992: 102) points out: "Without it a human being cannot live. But whoever lives only with that is not human". 


Critical evaluation of Buber's contributions to an understanding of communication 

Buber's ideas about dialogue and authentic human existence make an important contribution to our understanding of communication. Buber shows that dialogue is the central aspect of human life because it both constitutes and expresses the human mode of existence. However, by his emphasis on the individual participants in communication, Buber does not consider the role of the medium in influencing interpersonal relationships or the social positions of participants. 

This is an excerpt of a UNISA newsletter for communication students, compiled by Stefan Sonderling of the Communication department.


Quick References to Good Articles


The detrimental effects of stress at work appear to be at least partly mediated by increased heart rate reactivity, increased systolic blood pressure level, and lower vagal tone.  Read the full article by going to the follwing website:

You can read the Sunday Times article (South Africa) on bullying by going to:

World labour warns against the woes of globalisation

The effects of depression in the Workplace

Studies find narcissists most aggressive when critised

Workplace bullies flex their muscles

Workplace violence greatest security threat to corporate America, Pinkerton Survey finds

Danger: Toxic Company 

Bullying and bad genes 

Top of page



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13.              Do You Work For a Bully Boss?(Industry Trend or Event) - 3 pages
New-economy managers can be tough to work for. Many are crossing the line into abuse., March 12 2001 by Anita Chabria 

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15.              You're not alone.(Letter to the Editor) - 3 pages
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16.              What makes a BULLY?(social views of homosexuality as cause of aggressive behaviour in gay youth) - 4 pages
Society's negative attitudes toward gay people are determining only the victims of harassment but also the perpetrators 

17.              Vigilance stops violence--and lawsuits: behavior that can escalate to violence is increasing. To quell violence and lawsuits, HR must recognize and respond... - 7 pages
News reports tell of disgruntled employees who massacre coworkers and supervisors in a murderous rage: A crazed man bludgeons his wife and children to... 

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Q An employee on an approved medical leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act for a serious health condition was seen working a second job. Is moonlighting 

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22.              Europe's class act - Global newsstand: essays, arguments, and opinions from around the world - 1 page
* Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring 2003, New York 

23.              Feeling at home in one's school: a first look at a new measure. - 4 pages
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24.              Connecting school counseling to the current reality. (From The Editor). - 4 pages
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25.              Britain's worst employer?(Members of Parliament) - 3 pages
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26.              Sexual harassment of adolescents perpetrated by teachers and by peers: an exploration of the dynamics of power, culture, and gender in secondary schoo... - 19 pages
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Dave had a good job in an orange juice factory, but he got canned. He just couldn't concentrate 

30.              Managing the diversity revolution: best practices for 21st century business. - 41 pages
Diversity Today 

31.              The discipline of teams: the control of team-based industrial work through electronic and peer surveillance.(Special Issue: Critical Perspectives on Organizational... - 29 pages
This article proposes a new model of industrial labor process control that maintains discipline under conditions of teamwork. The model draws on theoretical..., June 01 1998 by Graham Sewell 

In addition to the traditional high-risk sectors, such as construction and manufacturing industries, transport and agriculture, the report reveals that... 

33.               Is your job driving you crazy? Bigoted bosses, puny paychecks, disappearing downtime. Here's how to manage the madness. (Your Career Survival Guide). - 5 pages
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34.              Uncharted territories of organizational research: The case of Karl Popper's Open Society and Its Enemies *. - 17 pages

35.              Chauvinism no ground for war. (Intersections).(womens groups warn of impact war will have on women in Iraq) - 2 pages
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36.               WOMEN AND HUMAN RIGHTS.(U.S. Department of State report) - 58 pages

37.              The curse of the talking cure: is therapy making us sick? Is the new army of life coaches and gurus perpetuating a culture of victimhood and unhealthy... - 1 page
Therapy Culture: cultivating vulnerability in an uncertain age Frank Furedi Routledge, 245pp, 16.99 [pounds sterling] 

38.               National Ban Bullying at Work Day. - 1 page
London, October 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Workers from around the UK will be campaigning today (16th Oct) to stop mangers bullying them in the workplace 

39.              Blame bullying bosses, says study.(workplace stress)(Brief Article) - 1 page
A study on workplace stress by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) says bullying bosses are to blame for much of it. 

40.               IT departments overrun by bully-boy managers.(Industry Trend or Event) - 2 pages
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43.              I WANT TO BE BOSS?(the psychology of dominance) - 7 pages
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44.               Dealing with Disgruntled Employees.(Human Resources strategies)(Column)(Letter to the Editor) - 4 pages  

45.               Benefits. - 1 page
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- The Campaign Against Workplace Bullying issues a Challenge to U.S. employers to save money, reduce litigation... 

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47.               AN EPIDEMIC OF VIOLENCE. - 8 pages
IN THE DAYS AND WEEKS FOLLOWING THE Columbine shootings, everyone walked around in a daze. Some watched everything on TV. Others didn't talk about it.... 

48.              Directors buckle under work pressures.(Computer Weekly and Banner's survey of IT managers) (Industry Trend or Event) - 5 pages
Alcoholism. divorce, heart attacks. and stabbing colleagues in the back. It's just a typical day in the life of the stressed-out IT manager 

49.              Women Bullies Harassing Women Create Workplace Health Hazard. - 1 page 

50.              New Anti-Bullying Hotline, New Web Address from Safe Schools. - 1 page
Business Editors 

51.              And issues at work.(work related stress statistics)(Brief Article) - 1 page
Workplace stress and depression are growing at an "alarming" rate, said a UN study last year, the result of trying to cope with a technology-driven economy,... 

52.              Developmental workers face health risks and high levels of stress and violence. - 2 pages
HAMILTO -- "Take the well being of workers and clients more seriously," a study of workplace conditions in social services urges the Ontario government.... 

53.              Beware of Women at Work. - 1 page
NAPERVILLE, Ill., Aug. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- 

54.              Desk Rage is on the Rise, Says I.I.I. - 2 pages
New Policies Offered to Cover Workplace Violence 

55.              How to handle a top performer who steps on others' toes.(auto dealership personnel management) - 4 pages
Prima donnas -- highly productive employees who consistently engage in self-centered, sometimes bullying behavior. As a dealer or manager, there are... 

Attn: Industrial, Business and Political Editors 

PR Newswire, London, May 16. This press release is transmitted on behalf of MSF. 

58.              When You Know It's Time to Go.(employee resignations ) - 2 pages

59.              Academic freedom, 2000 and after. - 12 pages hat is the present condition of academic freedom? I say it's pretty vigorous, and will later explain why. Critics of "political correctness," whose...  

60.              The validation of the women workplace culture questionnaire: gender-related stress and health for Swedish working women. - 11 pages
In this study, a preliminary Women Workplace Culture Questionnaire (WWC) was validated on new data sets (n = 446, including nine subgroups; response...

61.              Stress test 2004; in addition to the standbys like divorce and a weak economy, phone rage and desk rage�terms virtually unknown until recent years�are... - 2 pages
Stress is a fact of life and always has been. The caveman in an earlier age more than likely stressed over finding food for his next meal or over the� 

62.              Easing the stress: will employers heed the doctors' advice and stop pushing employees so hard? - 5 pages
Is stress the Catch-22 of workplace safety and health? At the same time researchers are revealing more about how stress can contribute to rising healthcare... 

63.              Is America suffering from "desk rage"? (EHS News).(workplace stress a problem of almost one in 10 workers)(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included) - 1 page
Mounting layoffs and a slowing economy are reinforcing a growing phenomenon of "desk rage" in America, with increased numbers of employees having arguments...  

64.              Cut the stress: with HR-provided training, employees can learn how to avoid what makes them tense. (Training & Development Agenda). - 4 pages
Stress is everyone's problem. It can be triggered by war talk, terror ism fears, family problems, personal debt, or any of the common tensions on the... 

65.              More on Workplace Stress. - 2 pages
Time magazine referred to stress as 'America's #1 Health Problem," and there is little doubt that things have gone steadily downhill. Numerous surveys... 

66.              Breaking Point.(job stress and problem employees) - 5 pages
Companies should develop plans to manage worker stress and anger to keep productivity and morale up, violence down.  

67.              Dealing with stress in the British Fire Service: management of any organisation automatically encompasses a duty of care towards its employees under health... - 7 pages
The most important part of any Emergency First Responder's (EFR) job, and an area that is poorly monitored, particularly within the Fire Service, is.. 

68.              Bosses should tackle stress at work.(Brief Article) - 1 page
stress Survey finds 67% take workplace stress home

69.              Gender, Work Stress, and Health - Book Review - 1 page
Gender, Work Stress, and Health. Debra L. Nelson and Ronald J. Burke, Washington, DC, APA; 2002. 260 pp. ISBN 01-55798-923-0.

70.              On the Warpath.(Integra Realty Resources report on workplace stress)(Brief Article) - 1 page
First there was "road rage." Now there's "desk rage." 

71.              A not-so-hidden workplace cost: employers bear the costs of depression, stress, and other mental illnesses in the form of lost productivity, absenteeism,... - 3 pages
Concerned about rising health insurance costs? About disability and workplace injuries? What about depression among your employee population? You should... 

72.              workplace; Pressure costs 1.5 million days off.(Brief Article) - 1 page
Ross Bentley 

73.              Review confirms workplace counselling reduces stress.(News)(Brief Article) - 1 page
Counselling can achieve a reduction in work related stress in more than 50% of people, according to a systematic review published last week. 

74.              Stress-Free Zone.(workplace environment affects stress and thereby health)(Brief Article) - 1 page
People now work longer hours and more days a year than ever before, leading to an unparalled rise in employee stress. So it's up to companies to take... 

75.              Issues of anger in the workplace: do gender and gender role matter? (Articles). - 17 pages
To examine the influence of gender and gender role on anger experiences in the workplace, 257 adult students completed narratives describing their anger-provoking... 

76.              Identify And Manage Work-Related Stress.(Industry Trend or Event) - 3 pages
A survey conducted by the International Labor Organization shows that stress and its accompanying depression in the workplace comes second among problems... 

77.              If you can't stand the heat ... managing stress within the Fire Service. (Stress). - 3 pages
Discussion of ways in which the management of occupational and traumatic stress within the Fire Service might be usefully advanced through training and... 

78.              Women in a male-dominated industry: factor analysis of a Women Workplace Culture Questionnaire based on a grounded theory model. - 12 pages
A Women Workplace Culture Questionnaire (WWQ) was developed based on results from a grounded theory study. Respondents were asked: (1) to compare women's... 

79.              Predictors of coping with work stress: the influences of sex, gender role, social desirability, and locus of control. - 13 pages
This investigation examined the influence of 4 personal attributes--sex, gender role, social desirability, and locus of control--as predictors of coping... 

80.              Strategies for Workplace Stress. - 6 pages
In survey after survey, employees say they are stressed by work. For example, a study by Northwestern National Life Co. found that 40 percent of workers... 

81.              Gender Roles and Coping with Work Stress. - 15 pages
Irene Gianakos [1] 

82.              New formula calculates stress cost.(Stress ...)(effects of job stress on employee health)(Brief Article) - 1 page
Anxiety and stress-related ailments were up in the last year, say employees, as are emotional ailments like insomnia and depression. 

83.              The 4 biggest job stressors. - 5 pages
Workplace stress can drain you emotionally and physically. Here are strategies to help you cope with: 

84.              Mori survey reveals levels of Internet related stress in the workplace.(Brief Article) - 1 page
Mori survey reveals levels of Internet related stress in the workplace. 

85.              Cary L. Cooper, Philip J. Dewe, and Michael P. O'Driscoll: Organizational Stress. A Review and Critique of Theory, Research, and Applications.(Book Review)... - 3 pages
2001, London: Sage Publications. 288 pages 

86.              Mental Health and Productivity in the Workplace. (Books in Brief).(Book Review) (book review) - 2 pages
Edited by Jeffrey P. Kahn and Alan M. Langlieb Jossey-Bass, 2003,618 pages 

87.              10 ways to stop toxic stress: chronic tension takes a huge toll. Here's how to get your sanity back.(Mind-Body Strategies) - 4 pages
In a 24/7 world, we're flirting with total burnout. But as long as we treat ourselves well in our downtime, whether by getting a manicure or a massage,... 

88.              Gauging the human factor: emotional stress, depression weigh heavily on IT staff and corporate restructuring efforts. (IT Training & Careers). - 3 pages
Gauging the human factor: emotional stress, depression weigh heavily on IT staff and corporate restructuring efforts. (IT Training & Careers). 

89.              A Synthesis of Research on the Causes, Effects, and Reduction Strategies of Teacher Stress. - 10 pages
Occupational stress has been a topic of significant research for the last two decades, reflecting the detrimental effects of employees. In particular,... 

90.              Attacking violence: former hostage negotiator warns workplace violence won't go away until managers take an aggressive approach. (Liability). - 6 pages
Violence in the workplace will likely never go away, but it can be controlled, says Larry Chavez, workplace safety trainer and founder of Critical Incident... 

91.              Emotional management and stress: managing ambiguities. - 18 pages
 The implications of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on vocational behavior and rehabilitation planning. (Implications of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder).(Abstract)(Statistical... - 8 pages
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can occur at any age with people who have no predisposing conditions. PTSD is distinguishable... 

92.              Bulletproof practices: as frequent targets of workplace violence, two ways to stop a bullet. The safest is through preventive. (Cover Story). - 8 pages
It's been seven years since the fateful day when Janet Robinson, a housing specialist with the Richmond, Calif., Housing Authority, had lunch with receptionist... 

93.              Growth in stress claims no sweat yet, data show; data reveal that mental injury claims remain an insignificant proportion of all workers' comp claims.... - 6 pages
Earlier this year, the Wyoming Supreme Court awarded workers' compensation benefits to an employee for medical expenses and disability caused by his... 

94.              SHRM poll: stress, crisis training, job screening up post-9/11.(News Digests)(Brief Article) - 1 page
SHRM poll: stress, crisis training, job screening up post-9/11.(News Digests 

95.              De-stress with exercise - Brief Article - 1 page
Ross Bentley 

96.              Preventing workplace violence starts with recognizing warning signs and taking action.(Brief Article) - 2 pages
Workplace violence is a continuing problem in the United States. In just one week last fall, we were shocked twice as gunmen -- one in Hawaii and one... 

97.              Women Face Greater Workplace Risks. - 1 page
Working women face high risks from job-related stress, musculoskeletal injuries, violence, and other hazards of the modern workplace, according to a... 

98.              Organizational factors contributing to worker frustration: the precursor to burnout - 3 pages
This study examined the organizational factors that contribute to workers' frustration with thei 

99.              How to Deal With Stress At Work. - 3 pages
Business's rapidly increasing pace challenges even the best workers. Try these six simple tips to cope with your increased stress load.

100.          Negative influences of police stress. - 7 pages
Ian Campbell believed that what most policemen shared was an abhorrence of the predictable, a distaste for the foreseeable experiences of working life....

101.          You don't have to put up with the pressure.(on the job) - 2 pages
stress Are you one of the five million UK workers trying too hard for your own good?

102.          STRESSED OUT.(increasing stress levels among employees) - 5 pages
Pressures at work and at home are taking their toll on employees--and the bottom line. 

103.          Employee wellness. (What's New: Products & Services).(Workplace Options Inc.'s Advantage Web)(Brief Article) - 1 page
A new web-based tool is available to employers looking to provide online mental health and substance abuse assessments. This new emotional well-being... 

104.          Is your job making you sick? How to cope when work is working you. (report).(coping with job stress) - 3 pages
Shortly after Evelyn Cooper *, 38, was tapped as an account representative for a Nashville paper distributor, her division was purchased by another firm....  

105.          Time management is #1 stressor.(Stress ...)(Brief Article) - 1 page
Nearly half of employees (47%) polled by LifeCare[R] said "time management" was the number one source of stress in their lives. 

106.          Chronic effects of workplace noise on blood pressure and heart rate. - 12 pages
Environmental noise levels in the United States are increasing, yet there are few studies in which the nonauditory effects of workplace noise are assessed...

107.          Avoiding HR burnout: dealing with the human side of business can take its toll on you. Here are some tips for making sure you don't burn out before you... - 7 pages
HR has never been a job for stress wimps. Lately, however, the stress factor seems to be multiplied.


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