Good Books


Bullying, Workplace Violence,
Stress and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Corporate Hyenas at Work, Susan Marais-Steinman and Magriet Herman, Kagiso Publishers, 1997.  The current edition is out of print and the next edition will look slightly different, but contain updated information.  Expected date of printing approximately end of June 2004.  Read the reviews on this excellent book elsewhere on this site and also see what new cover will look like for the new, revised edition.

The Bully at Work, Gary Namie, PhD and Ruth Namie, PhD, Sourcebooks Inc., paperback 287 pp $14.95. Visit or write to the Drs Namie: [email protected] for your copy. This is an excellent book, taking the victim or target of workplace bullying on a journey to understanding what is happening and how to cope best with the situation.

Silent Hell: workplace violence and bullying, Dr Charmaine Hockley, March 2002, ISBN 1-876087-54-4. An excellent book for health care staff, especially nurses. For details and order form email [email protected]
Bullying and Emotional Abuse in the Workplace.  International perspectives in research and practise. Einarsen, Hoel, Zapf and Cooper (eds.)  Over the last decade or so research into bullying, emotional abuse and harassment at work, as distinct from harassment based on sex or race and primarily of a non-physical nature, has emerged as a new field of study.  Two main academic streams have emerged:  a European tradition applying the concept of mobbing or bullying and the American tradition, primarily identified through concepts such as emotional abuse and mistreatment.  One focuses on the perpetrator, the other on the victim.  In addition research in this field has also started in Australia and South Africa.  All are brought together in this work, in a synthesis of research and analysis of practice in the field.  This book also aims to document the existence and consequences of the problem of bullying, to explore its causes and to investigate the effectiveness of approaches aimed at mitigating and managing the problem, as well as to offer suggestions for further progress in this important new field.  Cost 55 British pounds, postage extra.  For more information and to order visit or 


Breaking the Silence.  Overcoming the problem of principal Mistreatment of teacher.  Joseph Blase and Jo Blase.  Corwin Press, Inc.
The detrimental effect of abusive principal behavior not only deteriorates teacher morale and performance, but also erodes school effectiveness, student learning and quality of life for everyone involved.  Unfortunately, this type of mistreatement - with its devastating implications - has largely been ignored and treated as a taboo subject.  In this groundbreaking book, Blase and Blase begin the critical dialogue about abuse by exposing the various manifestations of mistreatment, and offering practical solutions for its prevention and correction.  Key features include:  real-life examples and testimonials, specific forms and indicators of mistreatment categorized into three levels, detailed description of the effects on schools and teachers, professionally and personally, solutions for overcoming this problem including six survival skills.  Visit to order your copy now.


Stalking the Soul.  Emotional abuse and the erosion of identity.  By Marie-France Hirigoyen. Hirigoyen has written a book of extraordinary therapeutic value. Her analysis of the often undetected manipulative patterns in destructive relationships is both compassionate and profound, and makes for a fascinating, exciting, and eye-opening reading experience. I think that many readers will find in it, unexpectedly, not only a mirror reflecting their own life, but also-and above all-the assistance of a knowing witness. It is only in the presence of such a witness that we may find the courage and strength we need to confront our own painful truth so that the understanding, and eventually healing, become possible."   --Alice Miller, author of The Drama of the Gifted Child
STALKING THE SOUL/ISBN 1-885586-53-1/$22.00/HC/Distributed by D.A.P. 1-800-338-BOOK/Published by Helen Marx Books/November 2000
Publicity Contact: Marian Brown, 718-522-1435


Bullying in the Workplace:  An Occupational Hazard.  Helene Richards and Sheila Freeman.  HarperCollins (May 2002). Bullying. The word immediately conjures up images of playground taunts and fistfights, but bullying is not confined to the schoolyard. It is rife in the adult world, condoned and even encouraged in politics, in sport, and in the workplace. This book aims to stop workplace bullying from being 'swept under the carpet' by highlighting the damage it does to the individual and the company.


Bully in sight: how to predict, resist, challenge and combat worplace bullying Bully in sight: how to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace bullying, Tim Field, Success Unlimited, 1996, ISBN 0-9529121-0-4. Foreword by Diana Lamplugh OBE. An insider's view which validates the experience of bullying, identifies the serial bully, and describes the injury to health caused by bullying and harassment. Fourth printing. Over 8000 copies sold. [Order a signed copy]


Violence at Work, Duncan Chappel and Vittorio Di Martino, 1999, ISBN 9221103358, SFr25, ILO Publications, International Labour Office, CH-1211, Geneva 22, Switzerland or e-mail: [email protected]


Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American workplace, Davenport, Schwartz and Pursell, Civil Society Publishing, ISBN 0-9671803-0-9. Cost $14.95 ($21.95 in Canada); can be ordered directly from BookMasters Inc, P O Box 388, Ashland, OH bookstore. A good read. Order through or go to her website: : and


Workplace Bullying
What we know, who is to blame, and what can we do?
Charlotte Rayner, Staffordshire University, UK, Helge Hoel and Cary Cooper, UMIST, UK


Adult bullying: perpetrators and victims, Peter Randall, Routledge, London, 1996. $12.99, ISBN 0-415-12673-8. Very informative about bullies on victims, but limited on information in the workplace.


Work abuse: how to recognize and survive it, Wyatt and Hare, Schenkman Books, 1997, $19,95, ISBN 0-87047-109-0. For details email [email protected]  No-blame theory is insightful - a good book.


Bullying: from backyard to boardroom, McCarthy-Sheenan-Wilkie (Eds), Millennium Books, 1996, ISBN 1-96429-049-8. For details e-mail [email protected]


Eliminating Professors - A Guide to the Dismissal Process by Ken Westhues, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Waterloo. Focussing on 25 cases of professors who have been dismissed from their jobs. Westhues describes and analyses the five-stage process by which organizations get rid of employees who think their jobs are permanent. Engaging read.


Disgruntled - The Darker Side of the World of Work by David S. Levine. Levine is an award-winning business journalist. This book is filled with workplace horror stories, useful resources and information for disgruntled employees, and tips on getting gruntled again. It's time to reclaim your soul, your sleep schedule, and your human dignity. Disgruntled workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your jobs...


The Crazy -Making Workplace by Archibald D. Hart, Highland Books, Guilford, Surrey, 1993. ISBN 1897913109. Excellent read and good advice on coping with a dysfunctional workplace.


Suppression Stories by Brian Martin. Published by the Fund for Intellectual Dissent. To order e-mail: [email protected].  Good book for whistle blowers


Bullying at Work, Andrea Adams with Neil Crawford, Virago, 1992, ISBN 1-85381-542-X. The seminal (original) book on workplace bullying.


Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott, Civil Society Publishing, July 1999, ISBN 0-9671803-0-9. Cost $14.95 ($21.95 in Canada); can be ordered directly from BookMasters Inc, PO Box 388, Ashland, OH 44805, USA, Tel (800) 247-6553, e-mail [email protected] or through your local bookstore


Fighting Back: overcoming bullying in the workplace, David Graves, McGraw Hill, 2002, ISBN 0-07-709951-6


Dignity at Work: Eliminate Bullying and Create a Positive Working Environment, Pauline Rennie Peyton, Brunner Routledge, 2003


The Dragon Complex: strategies for identifying and conquering workplace abuse, Winnifred Taylor PhD, Patrick C Dorin PhD, John Taylor PhD


Abuse in the Workplace: Management Remedies and Bottom Line Impact, Emily S. Bassman, Quorum, 1992, Westport, CT, ISBN 0-8993-0673-X


Brutal Bosses and their Prey: How to Identify and Overcome Abuse in the Workplace, Harvey A Hornstein, Riverhead Books, New York, 1996, ISBN 0-57322-586-X, pbk


The Verbally Abusive Relationship: how to recognize it and how to respond, Patricia Evans, Adams, ISBN 1-55850-582-2. Recommended, especially if you're dealing with a psychologically violent partner, co-worker, or manager.


Controlling People: How to Recognize, Understand, and Deal with People Who Try to Control You, Patricia Evans, to be published 31 January 2002.


Workplace Bullying � a costly business secret, Andrea Needham, New Zealand's first book on workplace bullying, available 16 September 2003


Harassment, Bullying and Violence at Work, Angela Ishmael with Bunmi Alemoru, 1999, ISBN 1-85835-104-9


Bullying and Stress in the Workplace: Employers and Employees - A Guide, John Eardly, First Law Limited, Dublin


Bullying and sexual harassment, Tina Stephens, IPD, 1999, $9.99, ISBN 0-8529282-5-4


Bullying in the workplace: an organisational toolkit, Elaine Douglas, Gower Publishing, 2001, $95, ISBN 0-566-08408-2 (paperback) or ISBN 0-566-08275-6 (loose-leaf)


Bully Off!, Jo Clifton and Heather Serdar, Russell House Publishing, 2000, ISBN 1-898944-66-X, $14.95 + $1.50 p&p, 91pages A4 spiral bound for easy photocopying. Email [email protected], tel 01297 443948


The Bullying Culture [in the NHS], Ruth Hadikin and Muriel O'Driscoll, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000, ISBN 0-7506-5201


Bully Proof, Jean Kelly, Aurora Books ([email protected]), 1999, $9.99, ISBN 0-9535314-0-6


New! Beware the Sharks in Education - A Teacher's Perspective by Jeannie Crowder, 1st Books, 2004


New! Administrative Mobbing at the University of Toronto: the Trial, Degradation, and Dismissal of a Professor during the Presidency of J.Robert S. Prichard, Kenneth Westhues, Mellen Press, 2004


Bullying, Issues, Volume 13, a concise, comprehensive and readable overview of child and adult bullying by leading authorities. Independence Educational Publishers, PO Box 295, Cambridge CB1 3XP, UK, Tel +44 (0)1223 566130 Fax +44 (0)1223 566131, credit card orders +44 (0)1223 576435


Stop mobbing. Resistere alla violenza psicologica sul posto di lavoro (Stop mobbing. Resisting psychological violence at work), Antonio A. Casilli, Rome, DeriveApprodi, 2000. In Italian. Foreword by Paul McCarthy from the Australian Beyond Bullying Association. Antonio A. Casilli, MAP book series Editor, DeriveApprodi Srl, via Visso 12-14, 00157 - Rome, Italy. To order copy of the book: tel +39 06 4121 9614, fax +39 06 4124 9505, email [email protected], website:


New! De onde og de dumme (The Evil and the Stupid), Anne-Grete Jelstrup and Hans-Otto Loldrup. In Danish. Deals with destructive management from experiences of the interviewed persons. 


Managing Britannia, Robert Protherough and John Pick deals with the destructive feature of managerialism, the culture and management in modern Britain. March 2002, The Brynmill Press Ltd


Unshrink The People establishes the clear link between happy employees, satisfied customers, profitable companies, growing economies and healthy societies


Putting together the pieces: recovering & rebuilding life after trauma, Francess Day, Broadening Horizons, Western Australia, 2002, ISBN 9780 9580 10207, email [email protected]


Making advances: what you can do about sexual harassment at work, Liz Curtis, BBC Books, 1993, $4.99, ISBN 0-563-36960-4


Harassment Law & Practice, Neil Addison & Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, October 1998, ISBN 1 85431 834 9, $24.95


The Whistleblower's Handbook, Brian Martin, Jon Carpenter Publishing, 1999, ISBN 1-897766-52-1, $10, credit card orders +44 (0)1689 870437


Whistleblowing in the Health Services, Geoff Hunt (National Coordinator, Freedom to Care), Arnold, 1998, ISBN 0-340-59234-6, $14.99. Ordering details: Medical Marketing Dept, Arnold, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH, tel 0171 873 6221, fax 0171 873 6325, email [email protected]


Whistleblowing in the Social Services, Geoff Hunt, Arnold, 1998, ISBN 0-340-65245-4, $15.99. Ordering details: Medical Marketing Dept, Arnold, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH, tel 0171 873 6221, fax 0171 873 6325, email [email protected]


Deadly Disclosures, Dr William de Maria, Wakefield Press, South Australia, 1999 (provides case studies which show bullying by toxic organisations and the government of people who disclose issues in the public interest. Also outlines the characteristics of toxic organisations, the "bullying" process as it relates to whistleblowers, including the "organisational vendetta" aimed at removing the whistleblower from the workplace and in some cases results in trumped-up charges of breaches of ethics or even criminal charges against the whistleblower. Often "whistleblowers" are merely doing their job or standing up for their beliefs - and pay a high price.)


The violence prone workplace: a new approach to dealing with hostile, threatening and uncivil behavior, Richard V. Denenberg and Mark Braverman, ISBN 0-8014-3396-7, Cornell Press, $23.95


How to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace,Gower, 2000, ISBN 0-566-08073-7


Managing the monkey: how to defuse conflicts that can lead to violence in the workplace, Mark Dawes with Denise Winn, Mindfields, 1998, $9.95 (or write to The Therapist, The Barn, Church Farm, Chalvington, Halisham, East Sussex BN27 3TD)


Violence at work: causes, pattern and prevention, edited by Martin Gill (Scarman Centre, University of Leicester), Bonnie Fisher (University of Cincinnati) and Vaughan Bowie (University of Sydney), November 2001, $25 hardback, ISBN 1-903240-62-X, Willan Publishing


Toxic co-workers: how to deal with dysfunctional people on the job: working with narcissists, borderlines, sociopaths, schizoids, and others, Alan A. Cavaiola, Ph.D., and Neil J. Lavender PhD, Oakland, CA, USA, New Harbinger Publications, c2000


The plague of violence, a preventable epidemic, Mitch Hall, Checkmate Press, 2002


Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Re-visited, Shmuel (Sam) Vaknin PhD, ISBN 80-238-3384-7. You can subscribe to Sam Vaknin's Narcissism List.


Books recommended by readers, authors, surfers and survivors

Employment Law Fourth Edition, Gwyneth Pitt, Sweet and Maxwell, ISBN 0-421-69010-0

Questions that work: How to Ask Questions That Will Help You Succeed in Any Business Situation, Andrew Finlayson, Amacom, May 2001, ISBN 0-8144-7077-7

People of the Lie, M Scott Peck

The Wounded Spirit, Frank Peretti (for a Christian view on bullying, recommended by several people)

Boundaries - where you end and I begin, Anna Catherine, ISBN:0-671-79193-1, Fireside, 2000

Cain and Abel at work, Gerry Lange and Todd Domke

What you think of me is none of my business, Terry Cole Whittaker

Emotional Vampires, Albert J. Bernstein

Stalking the Soul, M F Hirigoyen

The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron

It's Never Been Easy: a true story of abuse and recovery, Brenda McGuffee, Winepress Publishing

Why people don't heal, Caroline Myss

Dealing with Difficult People, Roberta Cava, Piatkus

Confronting Conflict, Friedrich Glasl, 1999, Hawthorn Press, ISBN 186989071X

Where egos dare, Dean McFarland and Paul Sweeney, July 2000

The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Dan B Allender, PhD., Colorado Springs, CO, USA, NavPress, Revised 1995, Paperback ISBN 0-89109-289-7. Contact publisher at

The Wounded Heart: A Companion Workbook for Personal or Group Use. Dan B. Allender and Karen Lee-Thorp. Colorado Springs, CO, USA,, NavPress, Revised 1995, Paperback ISBN 0-89109-665-5. Contact publisher at

The Healing Path: How the hurts in your past can lead you to a more abundant life, Dan B. Allender, PhD. Colorado Springs, CO, USA, WaterBrook Press, 1999, Paperback ISBN 1-57856-391-7. Contact publisher at

Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay, Howard Schwartz

Solved: The Mystery of Life, Vernon Howard

Prisons We Choose To Live Inside, Doris Lessing, Anansi Press

The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell

Corporate Abuse, Lesley Wright and Marti Smye

Shame: The Power of Caring 3rd Edition, Gershen Kaufman PhD

Dynamics of Power: Fighting Shame and Building Self Esteem, Gershen Kaufman PhD and Lev Raphael PhD

The gentle art of verbal self defense, Elgin S H, Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1980, 1993, ISBN 0-88029-030-7 (purely responsive tactical advice) [see for links to Dr Elgin's work]

More on the gentle art of verbal self defense, Elgin S H, Barnes and Noble Books, New York, 1983, 1997, ISBN 0-7607-0421-X (builds tactics into proactive strategy)

In sheep's clothing: understanding and dealing with manipulative people, George K Simon Jr, Ph.D

The membership organization: achieving top performance through the new workplace community, Jane Galloway Seiling, Davies-Black Publishing, ISBN 0-89106-110-X

Paradigm Conspiracy, Denise Breton and Christopher Largent, Hazelden, ISBN 1-56838-106-9

Getting to yes: negotiating agreement without giving in, Fisher R, W Ury and B Patton, Penguin Books, New York, 1981, 1991, ISBN 0 14 01.5735 2

Getting past no: negotiating your way from confrontation to cooperation, Ury W, Bantam Books, New York, 1991, 1993, ISBN 0-553-37131-2

Getting together: building relationships as we negotiate, Fisher R and S Brown, Penguin Books, New York, 1988, ISBN  0 1401 2638 4

Daring To Be Different: A Manager's Ascent to Leadership, James A Hatherley, Bellwether-Cross Publishing, ISBN 1-881795-22-5

The Lucy Doll, Diane Jarvis Jones, 32pp, softcover, colour illust, age 3-7, ISBN 0-9699407-3-4. A new Canadian resource picture book on bullying for children, see

Dogs Are Barking, Mark Taylor, irrePRESSible, 210 pp, ISBN 0-9586896-8-7. A novel, based on real-life experience, of bullying and intimidation in a military college. See

Last Summer At Barebones, Diane Baker Mason, a novel narrated by Dee Graham - a fortyish journalist who lives and works alone, scribbling stories for a tabloid rag. She's a recluse, a sleepwalking near-anorexic, still struggling to forget her miserable childhood as an enormously fat, compulsive overeater, despised and picked on by all.

The Addictive Organization, Anne Wilson Schaef and Diane Fassel, ISBN:  0-06-254874-3 pbk

Queen bees and wannabes, Rosalind Wiseman



Stress and employer liability, Earnshaw & Cooper, IPD, 2001, ISBN 0852928785. A guide for anyone dealing with the legal side of stress and bullying. This is the updated edition of the 1996 version.

Why zebras don't get ulcers: an updated guide to stress, stress-related diseases, and coping, Robert M Sapolsky, Freeman, 1998, ISBN 0-7167-3210-6. What prolonged negative stress (such as that caused by bullying, coercion, harassment and abuse) does to the body. Comprehensive.

Understanding stress breakdown, 3rd edition, Dr William Wilkie, Newleaf, 1999, ISBN 0 7171 2919 5, A$24.95. Available from Self-Help Books, 9th Floor Silverton Place, 101 Wickham Terrace Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4001, or contact Manager, Michael Wilkie as follows: within Australia phone (07) 3839 9727 or fax (07) 3839 9716, International Orders - phone +61 7 3839 9727, fax +61 7 3839 9716.
"This new edition (the third) is in response to many requests from people participating in seminars given by the author, for the inclusion of material on bullying and male/female differences covered in the seminars but not in the book." Chapters include The Signs of Stress Breakdown (1), Fatigue and Exhaustion Symptoms (3), Prevention and Treatment of Stress Breakdown (5), Bullying and Brain Washing (6), Prevention of Marriage Breakdown Under Stress (9), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (10).

Recovering damages for psychiatric injury, M Napier & K Wheat, Blackstone Press, �19.95, ISBN 1-85431-352-5

Stress at work: a guide for employers, Health & Safety Executive, HMSO, 1995, ISBN 0-7176-0733-X


Trauma, PTSD and psychiatric injury

Trauma in Southern Africa  by Dr H Schulz, T van Wijk and Dr P Jones.  For details send e-mail to [email protected]

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: the invisible injury, 2001 edition, David Kinchin, Success Unlimited, 2001, ISBN 0-9529121-3-9. This is a revised and updated edition of David Kinchin's book Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: a practical guide to recovery originally published by Thorsons in 1994 and by Success Unlimited in 1998. There are chapters on PTSD caused by terrorism, physical and sexual abuse, and bullying, plus more on Complex PTSD (the new name for Prolonged Duress Stress Disorder)  and Critical Incident Debriefing. An insider's view from a former sufferer.

The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma Dissociation and Disease, Robert C Scaer MD, The Haworth Medical Press, NY, ISBN 0-7890-1246-4

Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress, Frank Parkinson, Sheldon Press, London, 2000, ISBN 0-85969- 843-2

Simple and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: strategies for comprehensive treatment in clinical practice, Edited by Mary Beth Williams PhD and John F Sommer Jnr BS, The Haworth Medical Press, NY, ISBN 0-7890-0298-1

Trauma and recovery, Dr Judith Herman, 1992, Virago, 1999 ISBN 1-86049-644-X

I can't get over it: a handbook for trauma survivors, Dr Aphrodite Matsakis

Putting together the pieces: recovering & rebuilding life after trauma, Francess Day, Broadening Horizons, Western Australia, 2002, ISBN 9780 9580 10207, email [email protected]

Psychological trauma, Dr Bessel A van der Kolk, 1991


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