
Resources, information, and contact details
of those who care worldwide


Global Allies Against Workplace Bullying

  • The Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute (USA) is a nonprofit organization founded and coordinated by Drs. Gary and Ruth Namie, authors of The Bully At Work (their second publication) and designers of workshops and employer training. Encyclopedic web site with tutorials, surveys, first-person accounts and information about the grassroots movement. Don't miss this site: it is educational and one of the world's leading web sites on workplace bullying. Go to and enjoy!

  • Andy Ellis, an employee advocate hosts an excellent resource site at : with a Target Support Community and a Bullying Discussion group.  A site worth paying a visit - for Targets as well as those interested in the law (UK).

  • Noa Davenport, one of the authors of "Mobbing - Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace has a site with lots of information about her book and work at:  and

  •  Visit Tim Field's "Bully OnLine", the world's leading resource on bullying, at .  His book, "Bully in sight" is described at , insight into PTSD, especially by bullying/harassment at work , Comprehensive list of resources, books, people and organisations at

  • Kiusatujen Tukiry is an association fighting bullying in Finland. Founded in 1993 and originally focusing on bullying in schools, demand for their service is such that they now have an advice line for adult bullying. Their web site is at

  • Whistleblowers Australia have a web-site at

  • In Ireland: Vivette O’Donnell, 72 Lakelands Avenue, Stillorgan, Co Dun Laoighaire/Rathdown, Republic of Ireland, Telephone 00 353 288 7976 Email [email protected] web-site

  • Michael Sheehan is a member of Beyond Bullying Association Inc who are tackling bullying in Australia. Contact details: [email protected] web-site

  • Violence at the workplace is on the increase.  A site worthwhile visiting is that of Larry J Chavez, M.P.A. of the Sacramento Police Department at and also

  • Danger: Toxic Company, Alan M Webber, Fast Company online magazine a

  • ·International Harassment Network: working with employers to tackle bullying and harassment. Contact: Vicki Merchant, Merchant & Co., 15 Powis Road, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 1AD, UK, Tel 01772 728627, Fax 01772 761002, email [email protected],web site

  • Learn about Psychoterror in the Workplace by visiting the site of the late Prof. Leymann:

  • An interesting site on work, poverty and the environment. Go to:

  • - Bullies Down Under, Australia.

  • currently researching health education on workplace bullying

  • - Great Japanese site

  • - Bullying: A survival Guide

  • - A problem with relational violence

  • For those discriminated against at work, linking human rights and civil liberties sites

  • - Seeking freedom of speech at work & support of whistle blowers

  • Also visit on workplace bullying.

  • Workers Rights:  

  • "Workplace Violence Today" - visit  

  • Those interested in in workplace bullying/mobbing in academe, could visit the my much expanded and updated website of Prof. Ken Westhues of the Waterloo University: 

  • "Stop The Abuse of Power!!!"

  • The Canadian website on mobbing: 

  • Evelyn Field’s site in Australia: 

  • Matt Reider’s new site: 

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 Many More Bully Sites

The .

is a support group in Lisburn, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

(CABAW): write to Campaign Against Bullying At Work, Working Environment Unit, Amicus, 40 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3UD, Email [email protected]

: Brian Robinson, Convenor, 9 George Road, Drayton, Norwich NR8 6ED, Tel/fax 01603 868249. Publishes UK National Work-stress Network News (available electronically on [email protected]), editor Ian Draper, NASUWT, 9 Bell Lane, Syresham, Brackley, Northamptonshire NN13 5HP, UK, Tel 01280 850388, Fax 01280 850056, email [email protected]

, the Council for Academic Freedom and Academic Standards, defends individuals against victimisation in the further and higher education sector.

is a support group in northeast England whose aim is to help, support and offer advice to targets of workplace bullying

Have a look at

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 Organisations and individuals - international (in alphabetical order of country)

Bullying resources in
| | | | | | |

Belgium: is the Belgian movement against bullying. The organization is focused on 4 points : battling bullying, prevention, sensibilizing the media and the public, political lobbying regarding laws to be improved.

Holland: stil verdriet op de werkvloer

Holland: see

New! : a Dutch web site on workplace bullying

Italy: PRIMA Associazione contro Mobbing e Stress Psico-sociale, founded in 1996, is the first Italian Association against Mobbing and Psychosocial Stress: PRIMA Associazione contro Mobbing e Stress Psico-sociale, via Tolmino 14, 40134 Bologna, Italy, Tel +39-051-6148919, fax +39-051-941926, e-mail [email protected], web site . Dr Harald Ege, the Director, has written the following books (in Italian):
Harald Ege, "Mobbing", Pitagora, Bologna, 1996
Harald Ege, "Mobbing in Italia", Pitagora, Bologna, 1997
Harald Ege and Maurizio Lancioni, "Stress e Mobbing", Pitagora, Bologna,1998
Harald Ege, "I numeri del Mobbing", Pitagora, Bologna, 1998

Italy: "Stop mobbing. Resistere alla violenza psicologica sul posto di lavoro" (Stop mobbing. Resisting psychological violence at work), Antonio A. Casilli, Rome, DeriveApprodi, 2000. Foreword by Paul McCarthy from the Australian Beyond Bullying Association.
Antonio A. Casilli, MAP book series Editor, DeriveApprodi Srl, via Visso 12-14, 00157 - Rome, Italy. To order copy of the book: tel +39 06 4121 9614, fax +39 06 4124 9505, email [email protected], website:

Japan: is the web site of K Ogoshi (who won her case in court) and N Wakayama.

Japan: Bullying at Work in Japan (in Japanese), Yujiro Tokunaga, Neil Crawford, Rika Sato, NHK Publications, Tokyo, 1997, ISBN 4-14-080349-5

New Zealand: Andrea Needham, author of launches (0800 0 BULLY) for bullied workers in New Zealand

Portugal: seeks to tackle workplace bullying in Portugal



Spain: , estrategias para prevención

Spain: Maria J. Martinez-Pascua has translated some pages from Bully OnLine at and under the Ethics heading.



Spain: MOBBING.NU at

Spain: El maltrata psicologico ()


More international contacts below under

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Workplace violence


Carrie Lybecker runs the Nurse Advocate: Nurses & Workplace Violence web site and discussion forum; see

The Violence Network home page has lots of links and recommended reading on violence in the workplace:

The Workplace Violence Research Institute is at

The National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence is at

Larry J. Chavez is a police hostage negotiator and instructor on workplace violence and prevention. His web site is at

Workplace violence in healthcare ... see

The US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) page on workplace violence:

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Health and safety matters

Tolley's Health and Safety at Work, A practical business newsletter for safety professionals, Tolley Publishing Co Ltd, Tolley House, 2 Addiscombe Road, Croydon, Surrey CR9 5AF, UK, Telephone 0181 686 9141, Fax 0181 686 3155, email [email protected], site . See also Tolley below.


is the most authoritative source of health and safety legislation and guidance.

New! is a registered charity providing FREE Occupational Health and Safety advice information and training to individuals, voluntary sector groups and small businesses

contains extensive Dutch and European information on occupational safety, health, and working conditions.

The Website of the International Labour Organisation's Department of SafeWork:   

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Working conditions

The is an EU autonomous body situated in Dublin, Ireland, whose aim is to generate improvement in the areas of living and working conditions through European research and information dissemination activities.

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Self help

provides easy access to the experience and information of all of the UK Self Help Groups and Support Organisations.

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Work-related suicide

Karoshi is the Japanese word for "death from overwork", and work-related suicide. See

is a comprehensive site looking at all aspects of suicide.

works to prevent suicide worldwide with 31,000 volunteers in over 40 countries.

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PTSD and trauma sites

Web sites about PTSD and trauma are listed at the bottom of the .

aims to bring educational advancement to children who have been touched deeply by trauma including bullying, divorce, sickness, family breakdown and bereavement.

If your health has suffered but those around you cannot or will not see your hurt, see the Invisible Disabilities Advocate web site

tAPir is The Anxiety Panic Internet Resource at with links and information on anxiety disorders and PTSD

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Mental health web sites

The At Health web site is at

Mental health, support and psychology is covered in depth at

Mental health on the Internet: improving and understanding diagnosis and treatment is covered at

The Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN) at is a US government service of the Center for Mental Health Service (CMHS), a component of SAMHSA, which is the federal government's lead agency for improving quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment and mental health services in the United States. There are many FREE US government publications on-line, and available to order, on mental health issues.

Health questions and health answers: health information on the Internet is at

Dr John Grohol's mental health page has extensive links to mental health, psychology and support service web sites at

The Mental Health Sanctuary is at

Behavioural health resources: information resources for health care professionals in mental health, addiction, children's services and long term care are at , and

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General health web sites

Hand picked health resources, everything from Medicine to New Age:

of self-help groups.

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Abuse survivor web sites

Sites are listed here for their extensive content and/or links to other sites.

(ARUK) provides interactive support to survivors of sexual abuse either as a child or adult, with related subjects such as date rape, male rape, panic attack, eating disorders, self harm, also partners and parents sections. Includes forums, chat rooms and 250 pages of information.

Discord's Abuse Survivors' Resources are at

The Survivors Forum is a place of companionship, friendship, and support along the healing path of childhood sexual abuse; see

#Survivors on the Net is at

Stop Abuse! is at

Canada's Anonymous Sexual Abuse Recovery site is at

Healing Together is an international self-help/mutual-help/peer-help healing and recovering site for anyone that has experienced the impact of abuse. This includes recovering offenders, survivors, as well as their respective supporters. As a group we offer support, encouragement, information and a voice to all. Healing Together has several forums and chat areas for participation:

The is a non-profit organisation which provides practical support for lawyers and other professionals working for adults & children who have been abused.

The is an online community and support group that focuses on aiding both current and past victims of child abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence. Broken Spirits provides a comprehensive list of shelters, hotlines and organizations that can provide help for potential victims.

A with information and support for survivors of abuse and bullying.

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Verbal abuse web sites

Dr Irene's comprehensive web site on verbal abuse, codependency and love addiction is at

Patricia Evans' books are at

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Stalking web sites

The provides insight and information on stalking as well as support and guidance.

The is for anyone interested in stalking, from victims to mental health professionals, from law enforcement to security personnel.

provide online information on stalking and threat assessment.

See on stalking.

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Self defence

For self-defense information, see

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Victim Support

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Stress web sites

Stress and its effects on the brain and body are explained (in simple English) at

New! (part of the ) aims to raise the profile of work-related stress, its causes and how we can move towards eliminating it.

Channel 4's offers a confidential one-to-one stress counselling service, a magazine section full of news and features, stress-busting tips, an abc of stress, and a comprehensive directory of where you can get help in dealing with work-related stress. The site even has in-built background music to help you chill while you check out how to reduce your stress levels.

The provides free contact information to charity, voluntary and support groups in the UK.

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Low pay and employment issues web sites

Information and further links covering basic employment rights, how to get advice about pay rates and homeworking are covered on the Pay & Employment Rights Service (Yorkshire) web site at

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Web sites of interest

questions the dogmas of schooling in particular, and education in general.

The exposes unethical and corrupt behaviour in the US education system.

: R J Rummel explores democide, the misuse of power.

by Andrew Gibbons.

discusses how organisations can influence our health for good or ill, and provides a toolbox of ideas for how to survive and thrive in your organisation.

New! (CLAWS) takes an active role in promoting sane alternatives to the work ethic whilst yearning for a more meaningful way of life than "nine to five until you're sixty-five". 

has lots of information on Internet safety, Internet stalking, etc.

is a practical guide to fighting back against workplace bullying developed it in response to the epidemic of bullying observed in 20 years as a management consultant.

Ruth Hadikin writes about coaching and the setting of boundaries in "".

Find some web healing at

If you're being bullied because of facial disfigurement see .

Had enough? See .

Got a toxic boss? See

specializes in employee surveys of all types, with an emphasis on employee satisfaction. In addition to online surveys and traditional research surveys, the site contains survey tips, boss stories, opinions on HR policies, and the results of HR-related online polls.

, one of the first and most comprehensive market research sites on the Internet, provides a variety of HR-related information in their HR pages. They have different employee survey options available to meet
the needs of most organizations, including online surveys and do-it-yourself surveys.

Patricia Evans is author of The verbally abusive relationship: how to recognize it and how to respond (Adams, ISBN 1-55850-582-2) and her web site is at

, the site for women who want to improve their lives from the inside out

(UK): covers bullying and harassment; follow the links to the Telephone (helplines) and Books (recommended reading) pages. There's a new page on .

The is a network of people and groups all over the UK sharing the aim of making health service professionals accountable to local bodies whose members are democratically elected through direct elections.

provides an information gateway for social workers in the UK and has extensive resources.

Patrick MacCartney has put together a long list of links to sites covering psychology, work-based psychology, personality, and social psychology at

contains a wealth of information about effective advocacy for children with disabilities.

aims to create an emotionally literate culture, where the facility to handle the complexities of emotional life is as widespread as the capacity to read, write and do arithmetic.

in Derbyshire, England, is committed to enabling all human beings to achieve their physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual potential. Current programmes include work on domestic violence and school exclusion.

Resources for managing workplace conflict at

Jacqui Beart writes about her own case at

The provides information about the Education for Peace and Martial Arts for Peace bookstore and educational services which help children and adults to recognize the roots of conflict, prejudice, nationalism, racism, and other forms of conditioned thinking.

is a forum for the exchange of ideas on peer support, on interventions to address the problem of bullying whether in schools or at work, to link up with other people with a shared interest in this area, to hear about training opportunities and the latest research updates in the field. Visit our linked homepage on the EU training and Mobility of Researchers project which over four years is investigating bullying and social exclusion in schools and the workplace.

The ecumenical South London Industrial Mission has been helping the people of south London 'get faith to work' since the 1940s. Web stats reveal that "workplace bullying" constitutes four out of the first five search phrases and this paper is by far the most popular of the SLIM papers:

Expolink supplies an external communications mechanism to enable employees within an organisation to report issues of concern to them without putting themselves at risk from either the company or their co-workers. Issues could be fraud, theft, bullying, victimisation, harassment etc. See or contact David Crook on Tel 01249 784100.

Terror tales from the territory of temping are covered

recognises people who stick their necks out for the common good.

Richard Ames Hart is a former systems programmer who uses his own taxicab in San Francisco to undertake intensive research on specific verbal tools for nipping bullying in the bud. The fruits of his labor are beginning to appear at

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Writing opportunities

- Many who have suffered bullying and PTSD want to write about their experiences but might find it tough going. Our colleagues at BeWrite.Net are there to help … absolutely free of charge! They offer encouragement, advice, a professional editing and proof reading service … they'll even post your work on sites around the world in the hope of attracting publishers. The BeWrite service is free, friendly and one-on-one. No catches, no hidden costs, no strings attached. Your copyright is legally protected. Tim Field and BeWrite.Net editor Neil Marr have their first co-authored book coming out soon.

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Employee Wellness

  • Members for Democracy, Rune Olsen’s article:   

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